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Hi, I just recently noticed this game and it's very interesting! 

But I've found all sorts of weird bugs during my exploration, some of which cause the game to soft-lock/black screen, and the graphics to display incorrectly, I'd like to give feedback on these issues, but it's a bit inconvenient to use itch, is there any other way of contacting you?

Hey! Sorry about the reply on this. I would love to hear about the bugs you found, since I some day intend to release a final RPG Maker release before I push this project out into a different engine.

You should be able to reach me at

I was actually going to ask if there was a way to be able to communicate directly, like Discord, but it's fine to use email!

Gotcha! I go by lucydawless on discord if you'd prefer. :)

I really like this game, especially for its unique style, the only thing that bothers me is that I dont understand how to wake up, that is, I like the idea of traveling without controlling my sleep (as if it were a coma) but I always restart my game because I get lost ... or am I really stupid and can't find the command to do it?

(1 edit)

You should be able to wake up by pressing 9 (nine) on your keyboard.

You can use the 9 on the numpad too, but only if numlock is...on? Off? I can't tell because my stupid keyboard doesn't have a numlock LED.

If that doesn't work then please let me know, because it's possible you've found a bug!

(Oh, and thanks for playing! I'm glad you like it so far.)

 it work!! I'm so happy that I'm not afraid of losing myself again, thanks (is there a way to send you a fanart someday?)

Oh, great! Glad that worked. :)

If you ever wanted to send fan art, you could always reach me at